Fundamental Rights Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India

July 25, 2023

Fundamental Rights- Fundamental rights are those rights that are given to every citizen of India, some of them are given even to any person, “Any person” here means a person who may or may not citizen of India. Such rights are given from Articles 14 to 32 of the Indian Constitution. These rights are guaranteed by the constitution to its citizens against the state, in case of violation of same they can be enforced directly by filing a writ either in High Court or Supreme Court.

Constitutional Rights- Constitutional Rights are those rights that are given otherwise in Part III of the Indian Constitution. For example- The right to property is given under Article 300A of the Constitution, so this right is a constitutional right as this right is not part of Part III of the Indian Constitution.

Directive Principle of State Policy- Directive principles are given under Part IV of the Indian Constitution and these are not rights, rather these are principles or guidelines for the state, which need to be kept in mind while making or framing any law in a country by the state. Unlike Fundamental Rights, these are not enforceable in court. For example, Article 39 of the Indian Constitution states that there should not be a concentration of wealth as that is detrimental to the country, therefore while making policies by the Government it is important that such policy should not promote monopoly.

Fundamental Duties- If the constitution has given rights to citizens, then also gives certain corresponding duties to citizens, which are expected from every citizen to abide by. Though these are not enforceable in a court of law, yes burden of duties is on every shoulder of Indian citizens, these are given under Article 51A of the Indian Constitution, and some of them are – giving respect to the national anthem, and national flag of a country, maintaining brotherhood in a country etc.

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