October 16, 2023

Essay writing is an essential component of judiciary examinations, serving as a crucial tool to assess a candidate’s knowledge, analytical skills, and ability to articulate their thoughts effectively. A well-written essay not only showcases a candidate’s understanding of the subject matter but also demonstrates their capacity to critically analyse legal issues and present coherent arguments.

In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of writing a good essay in judiciary examinations, emphasizing the importance of reading newspapers, both Hindi and English in enhancing one’s essay writing skills.

Importance of Essays in Judiciary Examinations:

Essays hold immense significance in judiciary examinations as they enable candidates to showcase their comprehension of legal concepts and their command over language. Clearing these judiciary exams is not possible without dedicating sufficient time to essay writing preparation.  These examinations require candidates to possess a comprehensive understanding of various legal principles, current legal or other social issues. Essays provide a platform for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and present their arguments in a structured and persuasive manner.

The art of essay writing is not confined to merely regurgitating information but rather involves critically analyzing legal issues, identifying relevant laws and regulations, and providing well-reasoned arguments supported by case laws and precedents. Essays allow candidates to exhibit their ability to think logically and present their ideas coherently – all essential skills for aspiring judges and legal professionals.

The Role of Reading Newspapers:

Reading newspapers is an integral part of preparing for judiciary examinations and plays a pivotal role in enhancing one’s essay writing skills. Newspapers are a treasure trove of information, offering insights into current legal issues, landmark judgments, and recent legislative developments. By regularly reading newspapers, candidates can stay updated with the latest legal news, understand the evolving dynamics of the legal system, and gain exposure to diverse perspectives on legal matters.

Newspapers also provide candidates with real-life examples that can be incorporated into their essays, making them more relevant, engaging, and impactful. Reading newspapers helps candidates develop a broad understanding of socio-political issues, which is crucial for comprehending the contextual background of legal cases and formulating well-rounded arguments.

Key Elements of Writing a Good Essay:

1. Selection of essay wisely: Generally candidates are given two or three choices to select their topic of essay. It is advisable to select it wisely. The topic must be such that a candidate has a sufficient knowledge and which it can support with legal judgments or provisions if needed.

2. Understanding the Question: Before embarking on writing an essay, it is essential to thoroughly comprehend the question and identify its key components. Analyze the keywords, such as ‘discuss,’ ‘analyze,’ or ‘critically evaluate,’ to determine the approach required. This step ensures that your essay remains focused and addresses the specific requirements of the question.
3. Collecting relevant information: Once the question is understood, conduct comprehensive research in your mind to gather relevant information and legal precedents.

4. Structuring the Essay: A well-structured essay is crucial for presenting your arguments in a logical and coherent manner. Begin with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and clearly states your thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present your arguments supported by evidence, case laws, and legal principles. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of your essay. Finally, conclude by summarizing your key points and reinforcing your thesis.

4. Clarity and Conciseness: Judiciary examinations often have word limits for essays, necessitating the ability to express ideas concisely. Avoid unnecessary repetition or verbosity. Use clear and precise language to convey your thoughts effectively. Present arguments in a logical sequence, using headings and subheadings where appropriate to enhance readability.
5. Critical Analysis: Judiciary examinations require candidates to demonstrate their ability to critically analyze legal issues. While presenting arguments, consider different perspectives, counter-arguments, and potential implications of your assertions. Incorporate relevant case laws and precedents to strengthen your arguments. A well-rounded analysis showcases your depth of understanding and critical thinking skills.

6. May be written with or without headings: It generally remains confusion that whether to write an essay in different headings or without those. Headings need not be specifically written if your essay has been structured properly, like introduction, main body and conclusion. However, if you put headings then that also is acceptable and would not attract any negative impression.

7. Use of graphs and highlighting the significant portion: If one uses graphs and highlights important portion in his/her essay, then essay becomes more attractive and clear and accordingly would be able to fetch more marks for a candidate.

8. Use of grammar in an essay: One of the most significant aspects of essay writing is to have a good command over the language. There must not be any grammatical or spelling mistakes while writing essays for the examination.

The Role of Judiciary Coaching:

Judiciary coaching plays a vital role in honing essay writing skills for aspiring judges. These coaching programs provide candidates with guidance, study materials, and mock tests specifically tailored to the requirements of judiciary examinations. Trained faculty members help candidates understand the nuances of essay writing, provide valuable feedback on their writing style, and suggest improvements. Judiciary Coaching also conduct regular essay writing workshops, enabling candidates to practice writing on diverse legal topics and receive expert guidance. Additionally, these programs offer comprehensive study materials, including compilations of important case laws, legal doctrines, and sample essays, which serve as valuable resources for candidates during their preparation.


Mastering the art of essay writing is crucial for success in judiciary examinations. Essays not only assess a candidate’s legal knowledge but also evaluate their ability to analyze complex legal issues and present persuasive arguments. By reading newspapers regularly candidates can stay updated with current legal developments and enhance their understanding of socio-political dynamics. Additionally, judiciary coaching programs provide valuable guidance and resources to improve essay writing skills. With diligent practice, comprehensive research, and critical analysis, aspiring judges can excel in their essay writing endeavors and pave the way for a successful career in the judiciary.

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