Taking the step towards joining the highly esteemed Rajasthan Judicial Services is an endeavour marked with dedication and legal acumen. The Rajasthan Judiciary Exam is a gateway to a profession that sets the foundations of the state’s legal system while also preserving its cornerstones.
The demanding Rajasthan Judiciary Exam is meant to identify candidates for the position of judicial officer in the state’s legal system. Future lawyers go through a thorough evaluation process that assesses their legal knowledge as well as their practical application skills. On this journey, enthusiasts of the law become the guardians of justice.
RJS Syllabus and Eligibility
The Rajasthan Judiciary Exam qualifying requirements as well as the RJS syllabus are made to make sure that just the most capable and worthy applicants join the judiciary. Before applying, prospective applicants should carefully go over these requirements and the syllabus for RJS to ensure sure they meet them all.
Eligibility for RJS Exam:
- The RJS age limit for general category for applicants must be between 21 and 40. Government regulations, however, relax the upper age limit for applicants belonging to specific categories.
- RJS aspirants do not have the criteria for practicing law for a minimum amount of time. This could include working in a courtroom or legal department or as an advocate. However, in order to become familiar with the many nuances of the RJS examination, which might change alongside the new RJS notification 2024, applicants are encouraged to look for RJS coaching in Jaipur.
- In order to be qualified for the Rajasthan Judiciary Exam, candidates must be citizens of India as per the RJS notification. Furthermore, in order to qualify for certain exemptions and relaxations under different categories, the candidate must present a specific domicile certificate attesting to their connection to Rajasthan.
- As per the instructions set forth by the High Court of Rajasthan, aspirants are required to clear a fitness test. This is done to make sure applicants are physically able to carry out the tasks involved in the position.
RJS Exam Pattern
For those who want to work in the state court, clearing the Rajasthan Judiciary Exam is an important first step. Comprehending the exam format is essential to successful preparation.
- Usually, it includes objective-type questions covering language and legal topics.
- There are one hundred questions in all. 70% of the questions are in the law portion, and 30% of the weight is given to language (15% in Hindi and 15% in English).
- Candidates must obtain a minimum qualification mark of 45% for the general category, or 40% for those who fall under the SC/ST categories.
- Negative marking is not applied for incorrect answers, and the preliminary exam scores are not included in the final merit list.
The “MAINS” Exam
- Those who qualify for the preliminary round go through the Main Examination, which is a more thorough evaluation of legal ability and knowledge.
- There are written papers for the main examination. There are two legal papers and two language parts.
- Writing a law paper takes three hours, whereas writing a language paper takes two hours.
- The purpose of the written assignments is to assess the candidate’s comprehension of legal principles as well as their capacity for clear and concise thought.
- Those who succeed in both the preliminary and main exams with a minimum combined score of 40% and a minimum of 35% in the legal papers, move on to the interview round.
- This stage evaluates the candidates’ general demeanour, legal acumen, and comprehension of Rajasthani social conventions and dialects.
- Inquiries may cover current events and concerns of the day, offering a thorough evaluation of the applicant’s character, aptitude for communication, and fitness for a judicial position as per RJS vacancy 2024 notification.
- Additionally, it gives candidates a chance to speak about legal matters.
Rajasthan Judiciary Services: Exam Syllabus
- Proficiency in Tenses
- Proficiency in Articles and Determiners
- Proficiency in Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
- Proficiency in Active & Passive Voice
- Proficiency in Co-ordination & Subordination
- Proficiency in Direct and Indirect Speech
- Proficiency in Modals expressing various concepts- (Obligation, Request, Permission, Prohibition, Intention, Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions, Contrast.)
- Proficiency in Antonyms and Synonyms.
- शब्द रचना- संधि एवं संधि धवच्छे द, समास, उपसर्गप्रत्यय
- तत्सम, अिगतत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, धवदेशी
- संज्ञा] सवगनाम] धवशेषण] धिया] अव्यय (धिया धवशेषण, सम्बन्ध सूचक] धवस्मयबोिक धनपात)
- शब्द ज्ञान: पयागयवाची, धवलोम, शब्द युग्ोंका अर्गभेद, वाक्ांश के धलए सार्गक शब्द, धभन्नार्गक
- शब्द, समानार्ी शब्दोंका धववेक, उपयुक्त शब्द चयन, �
- शब्द शुद्धि
- व्याकरधणक कोधियााँ: परसर्ग, धलंर्, वचन, पुरुष, काल, वृधि, पक्ष, वाच्य
- वाक् रचना
- वाक् शुद्धि
- धवराम धचन्ोंका प्रयोर्
- मुहावरे/ लोकोद्धक्तयााँ
- पररभाधषक शब्दावली: प्रशासधनक, धवधिक (धवशेषतः)
RJS Syllabus: Mains Examination
The mains exam will be a subjective type examination consisting of four exam papers.
Paper I: Law (100 marks)
- The Specific Relief Act (1963)
- Indian Contract Act (1872)
- The Indian Evidence Act (1872)
- The Transfer of Property Act (1882)
- Code of Civil Procedure Code (l908)
- The Constitution of India
- The Limitation Act (1963)
- Interpretation of Statues
- The Rajasthan Rent Control Act (2001)
- Order or Judgment Writing
Paper II: Law (100 marks)
- The Indian Penal Code (1860)
- The Indian Evidence Act (1872)
- The Negotiable Instruments Act (1881) (Chapter XVII)
- The Probation of Offenders Act (1958)
- The Code of Criminal Procedure (1973)
- The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (1986)
- The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005)
- The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (2012)
- The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act (2013)
- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act (2015)
- Framing of Charge or Judgment Writing.
Paper I: Hindi Paper (50 marks)
- A Hindi Essay consisting of 50 marks in total
Paper II: English Paper (50 marks)
- An English Essay consisting of 50 marks in total
The future of the state’s legal industry will be mainly determined by the outcome of the Rajasthan Judiciary Examination. The examination may serve an essential part in creating a setting that encourages innovation and excellence in the legal sector by encouraging multidisciplinary expertise, establishing an atmosphere of continuous learning, stressing technology literacy, and adapting to contemporary difficulties.
In Rajasthan’s not-too-distant future, the judiciary is going to have to adjust to the demands of a contemporary and rapidly evolving culture while continuing to uphold its rich legal heritage. All the best for your exams!