According to Black’s Law Dictionary, a copyright is a literary property right that has been acknowledged and approved by a court of law. An intangible, incorporeal property that grants the creator of a certain literary or artistic work the single and exclusive right to reproduce the work in multiple copies, publish them, and sell them for a set period of time.
According to Oxford Dictionary, “copyright” refers to the unique legal right granted to an author, musician, etc. to print, publish, and sell copies of his original work for a specific period of time.
The term “copyright” might be interpreted in two different ways, the Boosey Baron Parke J. noted in the case of Charles Jefferys v. Thomas Boosey. The sheet of paper on which his literary production is written, as well as any duplicates he decides to make of it for himself or others, are indisputable property of the author when it comes to common law. Whenever a person borrows a copy from another person, that person still has the right to enforce the implied agreement that they will not sell or otherwise distribute the copy. The alternative meaning of that phrase is the exclusive right to make numerous copies and the right to forbid anybody else from reproducing a literary work that the author has published, whether by printing or another method. If you want to be a judicial officer and are looking for RJS coaching in Jaipur, here, at Jyoti Judiciary we provide comprehensive study material to make your preparation solidified and topnotch. From preliminary mock tests, to mains answer writing sessions every material required for clearing the exam is provided. We have separate legal current affairs classes, legal general knowledge, current affairs classes all in one time enrolment. Hurry up.