December 15, 2023
symbolizing the legal focus


Clearing the judiciary exam in the first attempt is a challenging task that requires dedication, hard work, and strategic preparation. The judiciary exam is a highly competitive and prestigious exam that tests the knowledge of law, practical as well theoretical and also the overall personality of aspiring judges. With the right approach and preparation, it is possible to clear the judiciary exam in the first attempt. In this article, we will discuss judiciary preparation tips and tricks to know how to crack judiciary exam.

How to prepare for Judiciary Exam 2024?

Following are some effective measures that the judiciary aspirants may follow to clear the judiciary exam in first attempt.

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus The first step towards clearing the judiciary exam in the first attempt is to understand the exam pattern and syllabus. Though all judiciary exams consists of multiple choice questions for prelims subjective type questions for mains and practical questions in interview, each State has its own pattern of questioning. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus to know what to expect and how to prepare effectively according to your targeted state.
  2. Start Early- Judiciary exam preparation requires time, as aspirants are expected to learn all the provisions of different bare acts, case laws related to them, concept building, relevant legal discussions, and sometimes general knowledge too for some judiciary exams and then revision. Therefore, it is pertinent that aspirants start their preparation early, and at least a year’s time is devoted to the whole journey. Though some aspirants query how to crack judiciary in six months, which, as a practicality, is not impossible but very rare.
  3. Develop a Study Plan- Once you have a clear understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus, it is essential to develop a study plan that outlines your study schedule and goals. A well-structured study plan will help you stay organized and focused on your preparation. Divide your study plan into manageable sections and allocate specific time for each topic. Make sure to include regular revision and practice tests in your study plan to track your progress and improve your performance.
  4. Study Material Choosing the right study material is crucial for effective preparation. There are numerous books, online resources, and coaching institutes that offer study material for the judiciary exam. It is important to select the most reliable and comprehensive study material that covers all the topics in the syllabus. Make sure to refer to standard textbooks, previous years’ question papers, and online resources to enhance your understanding of the subject.
  5. Legal Knowledge The judiciary exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of law and legal principles. It is essential to have a strong foundation in legal knowledge to clear the exam. Focus on understanding the concepts of constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, procedural law and other relevant subjects. Make sure to stay updated with the latest legal developments and landmark judgments to enrich your legal knowledge.


  • Judgment writing and language part– In addition to legal knowledge, the judiciary exam also assesses the candidate’s ability to reason and make judgments based on legal principles and writing essays. Develop a systematic approach to analyze legal issues, identify relevant laws, and arrive at a logical conclusion while writing judgments.
  • Current Affairs- Stay updated with current affairs and general knowledge topics that are relevant to the legal field. The judiciary exam may include questions related to recent legal developments, landmark judgments, and socio-political issues. Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and online sources to stay informed about current affairs.
  • Mock Tests and Practice Papers- Regular practice is essential for improving your performance in the judiciary exam. Solve mock tests, practice papers, and previous years’ question papers to assess your preparation and identify areas for improvement. Analyze your performance in mock tests and work on strengthening your weak areas. Time management is crucial during the exam, so practice solving questions within the stipulated time frame.
  • Revision- Revision plays a vital role in retaining information and reinforcing your understanding of the subject. Allocate time for regular revision of all the topics in the syllabus. Create concise notes, mnemonics, or mind maps to facilitate quick revision. Reviewing your notes regularly will help you recall important concepts during the exam.
  • Stay Motivated-Preparing for a competitive exam like the judiciary exam can be challenging and demanding. It is important to stay motivated and focused on your goal. Surround yourself with positive influences, stay connected with like-minded individuals, and seek support from mentors or experienced candidates. Stay disciplined and committed to your preparation to achieve success in your first attempt.
  • Time Management- Effective time management is crucial for success in the judiciary exam. Allocate specific time for each topic in your study plan and stick to it. Prioritize your study material based on its importance and difficulty level. Avoid procrastination and distractions to make the most of your study time.
  • Healthy Lifestyle- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for optimal performance during the exam. Get an adequate amount of sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical activity to stay mentally and physically fit. Avoid excessive stress and anxiety by practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  • Seek Guidance-If you face challenges or have doubts during your preparation, join any judiciary coaching. Join coaching institutes or online forums where you can interact with experts and clarify your doubts. Engaging in group discussions or study groups can also help you gain different perspectives on various topics.
  • Stay Positive- Lastly, maintain a positive attitude throughout your preparation journey. Believe in yourself and your abilities to clear the judiciary exam in your first attempt. Visualize your success and stay confident in your preparation.

In conclusion, clearing the judiciary exam in the first attempt requires thorough preparation, dedication, and strategic planning. By following these effective strategies and tips, you can enhance your chances of success in the judiciary exam. Stay focused, stay motivated, and stay disciplined in your preparation journey. With hard work and perseverance, you can achieve your goal of clearing the judiciary exam in your first attempt.

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