May 2, 2024

Crime investigation departments (cid) perform a vital part of the unseen constructors of justice in the complicated tango between law and order. These organizations are the guardians of the truth, meticulously collecting the evidence, solving challenges, and holding criminals responsible.

criminal investigation department: About

  • The Crime Investigation Department (CID) collects intelligence and carries out criminal investigation process.
  • It was founded by the British Government in 1902 in accordance with the Police Commission’s recommendations.
  • The Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), with support from the Inspector General of Police (IGP), leads the CID’s crime branch investigation, a dedicated division within the agency.
  • It looks into matters that are referred to by the state government or the High Court, as well as major offenses like riots, forgeries, and counterfeiting.

Role of Crime Investigation Department  

  • Investigation of Crimes: CID looks into a variety of issues, such as organized crime that operates outside of district lines, mail robbery, dacoity, drug-related offenses, forgery, and fraud.
  • Special Orders: The Inspector-General may issue special orders, and CID may help, in cases involving exceptionally complicated or heinous offenses.
  • Foreign Criminal Affairs: When it comes to crime detection cases involving foreign people or organizations, CID assists local law enforcement agencies.
  • Criminal Intelligence: To enhance crime detection, prevention, and prosecution, it makes use of a criminal intelligence system. It keeps track of criminal histories.
  • Rescue Operations: CID assists with criminal investigation involving rescue operations, such as human trafficking, and arranges post-rescue victim care through non-governmental groups.
  • Dog Squad: To assist district and Special Branch units in a variety of tasks, such as finding criminals, explosives, and drugs, cid criminal investigation department keeps a dog squad on hand.    
  • Information Systems: they guarantee timely submission of documents, tax returns, and reports to federal and state government bodies.        

crime investigation department: Eligibility

  • A resident of India should be the nominee.
  • The minimal qualification needed to become an officer or Sub Inspector at the CID is a degree from an accredited university.
  • The least amount of qualification to become a constable in CID is a 12th or Higher Secondary Certificate.
  • It is also necessary for a candidate to pass the Indian Civil Services Examination.
  • In addition, the candidate needs to be able to lead a team and possess a keen eye, outstanding memory, and sound moral judgment.    

criminal investigation department: Powers

People in this ever-evolving era always have to adapt to changes brought about by nature. Some people use their wickedly bright minds to commit these crimes. One of the nation’s growing worries, according to the populace, is criminology. Individuals invent new definitions of fraud and crime, including kidnapping, theft, rape, and murder.

These days, environmental cybercrime is also rising. Although technology can be a useful tool for gathering information, some people abuse it. The CID has the following powers to deal with all of the criminals:

  • Cases that are assigned by the government to the cid crime branch can be looked into.
  • It asks questions of the people, and everyone is required to assist with the inquiry.
  • They can gather information from these locations continuously because they have squads as well as special teams that operate for many information agencies.
  • As the source agent, CID is used by the police department as well.
  • CID provides sensitive information to higher authorities.

Given all of the attention that CID has received, it is evident that the state needs it to play a big part. Still, it functions mainly in the background. The CID’s duties are just as significant as those of the police department. However, CID is in charge in some places where the police department is powerless. One unique quality of CID is its ability to maintain records of crimes and criminals who have been put to death.

Role of Crime Investigation Department FAQs  

  1. What is the crime investigation department in real life?

Based on the Criminal Investigation Departments of British police forces, a Crime Investigation Department (CID) or Crime Branch is a branch of the state’s police departments of India that is in charge of conducting criminal investigations.

  • What is the power of investigation officer?

The police officer is authorized by Section 156 of the code to look into a crime that is punishable by law. The inquiry cannot begin in situations of cognizable offenses unless the official in charge of the police station files a formal First Information Report (FIR) and has the petitioner sign it.    

  • How does CID investigate?    

CID gathers all available information on a case, arranges it logically into an investigative data summary, and provides the District Attorney’s Office with the information. The Patrol Division receives assistance from CID in the areas of criminal intelligence and forensic investigation.            

  • Which is the biggest crime investigation department in India?

The primary investigative police organization in India is the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). It was given responsibility for home security when it was founded in 1941 as the Special Police Establishment. It is an elite force that is essential to maintaining the stability of the national economy and public life.

  • What is the role of the crime branch?       

The State Special Branch mainly deals with the collection, collation, and dissemination of intelligence on and about different political, communal, terrorist, and labour activities, as well as with connection to various law and order issues like agitations, strikes, demonstrations, etc., while the Crime Branch is primarily and primarily concerned with matters pertaining to crime, investigation, prosecution, and the gathering of criminal intelligence.

  • Who appoints CID?

Officers of the rank of Superintendent of Police and higher shall be appointed by the State Government to serve in the Criminal Investigation Department and the Special Branch, as required, taking into account the volume and range of activities to be performed.

  • Is CID greater than CBI?

No, the CBI handles cases concerning federal crimes or those having interstate ramifications, whereas the CID works inside the borders of a certain state or territory.

  • Is CID state or central?

Founded on the Criminal Investigation Department of the British police-military organization, the Crime Branch Department (CID) is a branch of the state police services of India that is responsible for conducting criminal investigations.

  • What are the works of CID?

Investigating criminal cases such as rape, murder, theft, robbery, etc. is the primary responsibility of CID. It collects information, evidence for frauds and criminal cases, apprehends offenders, and ultimately provides the accused with proof in court.

  1.  Can girls join CID?

Relevant courses are offered by several Indian universities. The possession of Indian citizenship is the most crucial and fundamental need for becoming a CID officer. Gender is not a barrier to employment in this role.

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